HAMBURG-Organised by Living Labs Global and the Barcelona City Council, this initiative to create a Global Market for Mobility and the growing market opportunities in the Mediterranean Market of 485m citizens, with Barcelona as its prime gateway for innovative business.
GeoMe will be showcasing its application at the event on the 16th of January 2009 and extends a warm invitation to all to come along and take part in the event. This will cover amongst other things:
GeoMe will be showcasing its application at the event on the 16th of January 2009 and extends a warm invitation to all to come along and take part in the event. This will cover amongst other things:
- The summit's plenary session will provide a compact overview of Living Labs Global and highlight the Mediterranean market and growth opportunities.
- Parallel thematic matchmaking panels will be held to connect international partners, customers and peers in the fields of Design, Media & ICT and Healthcare.
- Matchmaking sessions will start with a panel discussion of respected experts, and lead into a well-structured matchmaking process over lunch and coffee. To understand your offerings, needs and interests, we will follow a structured procedure upon registration and build your personal event experience.
- mWatch: Showcase your innovations and win the Living Labs Global Award.
- An exhibition area will be mounted in the summit, offering you the opportunity to showcase your products, services and solutions.
- Upon registration you can choose to take part in this exposition, from which the participants in the Summit will vote for the most innovative solution. An Award will be presented to the winners, in the form of a one-year Associate Membership in Living Labs Global.